This is what Transgamin Corporation has to say about its product
Cedega , TransGaming's flagship Linux portability product, allows Windows games to run on Linux seamlessly and transparently, right out of the box. With Cedega installed on your computer running Linux, you can simply insert your favorite Windows game CD, install and then play that game just as you would on a Windows system.
While installing cedega on my debian machine i git the following error
cedega depends on xlibs > 4.1.0
But xlibs is not installed
the problem with xlib files was that they would have conflicted with my other xorg files.In order to avoid it, i googled and came up with the following solution:
cd /directory-where-is-cedega.deb/
mkdir cedega
dpkg-deb --extract XXX.deb cedega
dpkg-deb --control XXX.deb cedega/DEBIAN
vim cedega/DEBIAN/control
Remove the Xlib part from the depends list. Save it and exit.
dpkg --build cedega
sudo dpkg -i cedega.deb
Thats is done, now go and play whatever game you want :)
Please not unlike other Linux goodies Cedega is not free ware , unluckily one needs to purchase it :(