Saturday, October 15, 2005

Recover root password in FC4

I know this sounds wiered , I mean putting up a Fedora article in Debian blog.Hey but remember atlast they are the various versions of Linux.This procedure is meant for those who have by cahnce forgotten their root password and don't wanna reinstall the OS overall again.I know you would be reading this article only if you rare using Debian , but you may find it usefull while trying to help your freind who is using FC4.I found the following description in a forum.

If you are using Red Hat 9 or Fedora Core4 then you're also probably using Grub.

  • When you get to the OS option screen, select Red Hat 9.0 and then press e.
  • Go to the line containing kernel and press e.
  • Write -s at the end of the line.
  • Press enter and then press b.
This should log you in in single-user mode. After that just change the password with passwd and reboot.