Saturday, November 19, 2005


It is based on the screensaver from the movie's website. It works with terminal settings up to 132x300 and can scroll lines all at the same rate.It makes ur terminal look cool.Debian users can easily get this package by typing the following commands:
apt-get install cmatrix cmatrix-xfont
Please note that u need 2 b root in order 2 use the command for other distros I would suggest googling.

Gnome-Terminal Background Randomizer

Here's a nice script you can use in cron or elsewhere to change your
gnome-terminal background.

# Gnome-Terminal Random Background
# -----------------------------------
# Greg Harris
# 6.13.05
# Run this script every time you want to update
# your terminals background image.

# This is really all you need to setup. Point it to a directory
# with all of your background images.
FILTERS="*.jpg *.JPG *.png *.PNG *.tiff *.TIFF *.gif *.GIF"

# Set counters and lists to nothing

# Generate the list of pictures depending on wither or not
# we are doing extension filtering. If your directory has
# non-image files, you want to use filtering.
if [ -n FILTERS ]

# Calculate the total amount of pictures, and then choose
# a random picture from the total amount of pictures
let TOTAL_PICS=`echo $PIC_LIST | wc -w`

# If anyone knows a better way of extracting a certain element
# from a list in bash please email me. I couldn't find anything in
# my poking around and I couldn't get the cut utility to take
# space as a delimiter
let NUM=$NUM+1
# Loop until we find our lucky picture in the list, and set
# that up as the background picture.
if [ $NUM -eq $RAND_PIC ]
# This updates the gconf key pointing to your profile
# and sets up your background image accordingly
gconftool-2 --type string --set
/apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/$P ROFILE/background_image $BGPATH/$PICTURE

Monday, November 14, 2005

Change mouse cursor theme in Gnome

f you don't like the default mouse cursors, here is how to change it:

1) Download "mouse theme" you like:
- here is one place to download -> gnome-look-org
2) Copy(as root) downloaded archived file in /usr/share/icons:
cp example.tar.bz2 /usr/share/icons/

3) Go to that directory and unpack the archive:
tar xvfj example.tar.bz2
The directory with your icon name should be created here.(/usr/share/icons/Example)

Note: Some icon themes come with two or three different colors, so extracted directory will contain subfolders name like "Black" "White" "Blue" ....
You should move subfolder to /usr/share/icons/ directory like this:
mv /usr/share/icons/Example/Black /usr/share/icons/
Now the /usr/share/icons/Black foder is here where it should be.

4) Edit the file with your text editor located in /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme
gedit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme
Change the line "Inherits=Bluecurve" to whatever your new mouse icon theme directory is named. (Inherits=Example, Inherits=Black, Inherits=Blue,...)

5) Save the file and log out of your session.
When you login, the new mouse icon theme should be in use.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Recover root password in FC4

I know this sounds wiered , I mean putting up a Fedora article in Debian blog.Hey but remember atlast they are the various versions of Linux.This procedure is meant for those who have by cahnce forgotten their root password and don't wanna reinstall the OS overall again.I know you would be reading this article only if you rare using Debian , but you may find it usefull while trying to help your freind who is using FC4.I found the following description in a forum.

If you are using Red Hat 9 or Fedora Core4 then you're also probably using Grub.

  • When you get to the OS option screen, select Red Hat 9.0 and then press e.
  • Go to the line containing kernel and press e.
  • Write -s at the end of the line.
  • Press enter and then press b.
This should log you in in single-user mode. After that just change the password with passwd and reboot.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Debian can be installed either directly using CD packages or through net.
I did net installation hence would like to elaborate about it.

  1. Get the net installation cd image n write it onto an rw cd.
  2. Type linux26 for the 2.6 kernel series or just press enter for the default 2.4 kernel series.i have installe dthe 2.4 kernel because as of now Debian has a lot of support for this family.Any way 2.6 is also good.More abbout kernel later on.
  3. It will configure the net and do everything, you just need to follow the instructions.When it asks for harddsik partition, choose Edit Manually ,if your hard disk is totally free.SATA drives have problem ....and so u can forget if urs is one.
to be comtinued ............

Monday, September 26, 2005


I would like to start of this blog by stating that, the blogs to come in future will contain my experience with the OS Debian which I have installed on my pc. Some other articles would be from net which I think are pretty handy. Ofcourse I would put it up only after i have tried out the tricks on my own machine so be rest assured about the stability and safety factor.I would also like your feedback as it would help me immensly.